Revive Blog
Treat Yourself at Home for $10 or Less!
Treat Yourself at Home for $10 or Less We’ve compiled a list of FOUR ways to treat yourself at home for $10 or less! 1. Try these soothing teas from Yogi ($4.31 / box) - they have flavors like Peppermint, Relaxed Mind, or Stress Relief, plus seasonal flavors, like Pumpkin Spice (of course!) AND one of our favorite parts are the messages on the tags of each tea bag! Grab a box [...]
Taking It Slow
Sometimes when it comes to change, a first reaction is to turn away, shuddering with fear. Sometimes, we embrace it with open arms, excited with anticipation. It all depends on what type of change it is.
Reviving My Life
I felt more alive and connected than I had in a long time, so I decided to listen to that little voice in my head that was slowly getting bigger, and louder, telling me to Just try. Just begin.
Zero Chill
Zero Chill We live in a society where we are taught that our worth is determined by our productivity, and yet at the same time instructed to have an elaborate self-care practice. It gets confusing, and can cause a lot of people to throw their hands in the air and say, “I just don’t have time to relax!” As someone who has lived a great deal of their life having bought into [...]
Why meditation? — Your brain can exercise too!
When thinking about meditation— the typical picture that comes to mind may be legs crossed, arms elevated with fingers pinched together, sitting in silence with a blank mind and complete calm. Though this practice is true for some that have practiced for a long time, it does not actually define what meditation has to look like!
Stop Doing The Chicken [Little] Dance
Do you remember the story of Chicken Little? To briefly summarize…. Chicken Little was scratching around in the barnyard one day, when all of the sudden, something fell from above him and hit him in the head, and his reaction was, “THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING!” Was the sky actually falling? No, of course not. It was simply an Acorn that hit Chicken Little on the head.