How to ease the pressure to find your person

Meeting someone new can often be the most exciting time in a person’s life, but in this day and age there is a lot of pressure put around finding your person.
Sometimes it may seem like you need to know who you’re going to spend the rest of your life with just because other people your age might know. Seeing other people who you follow on social media or seeing your friends with their person has the potential to make any single person feel lonely. However, everyone has a different timeline and what is good for one person is not always good for another. There is no need to rush this process in finding someone to be with, as when the time is right you will find your person. Even though we see messages out there all the time reminding us to not rush this process and that it’ll happen when the time is right, why do we get so persuaded into feeling that it is wrong to not have someone? Putting this pressure on yourself based on an unrealistic perspective, can do harm.
Around the season of Valentine’s Day, relationships are romanticized and highlighted on social media. It is important to remember that social media is a highlight reel and not real life. The couple you may be so envious of probably fights, just like everyone else. Social media gives us a false sense of what a relationship is and a wavering sense of reality. It is vital to keep perspective, process this reality and not get down on yourself for not experiencing the same images that appear to be bliss.
Social Media has changed the way relationships operate. People often feel that just because they can be talking to their significant other at any point of the day that they should be, too. The ease of access to one’s location is an added element that challenges relationships. With the find my friends app and snapchat locations, it may be tempting
to know our partner’s every move, but is knowing where they are really going to benefit us? This is just an added element that challenges relationships. If you really love and trust someone and they love and trust you, should you even have to question where they are at every minute? Spending time taking care of yourself would be much more beneficial.
In the era of social media, it is essential to keep focused and look inward for strength rather than checking snapmaps to navigate your relationship. Stay true to yourself and have different outlets of people to go to.
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