Meet Kristine! Provider of the Month

Meet our provider of the month!

Q: What is one thing you value about being a therapist?

KG: I absolutely love that my job allows me to connect with people who are invested in becoming the best versions of themselves.

Q: What is your go-to self-care?

KG: Recently I have started a new practice of waking up early and getting outside to watch sunrise at least a few times per week.   The temptation to roll over and hit snooze is always there but the payoff to witness the beauty that accompanies sunrise fills me with such gratitude. It’s impossible to not have a positive attitude for the day when I start with that.

Q: What kind of mindfulness practices have you exercised in the past or currently?

KG: I discovered “Dailies” on the Calm App which are short reflections/meditations. They cover a new topic each day such as gratitude or how to quiet negative self-talk and they are all under 10 minutes. These short reflections help give me a positive focus for the day.

Q: What excites you about the Spring?

KG: Witnessing the explosion of color that accompanies the rebirth of all the trees and flowers is a harbinger of happy times ahead. Warmer weather and longer days lead to more social time with friends and family outdoors.

Q: What’s something interesting you’ve been cooking or eating recently?

KG: My favorite breakfast is toasted whole grain bread with mashed avocado, a pile of arugula and a runny sunny-side-up egg seasoned with sea salt and red pepper flakes. That combo keeps me going for hours.

Stay Well,
Kate at Revive


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 (203) 693-4917