Try These 3 Things to Love Yourself More

“Love is in the air” is one of those whimsical statements that we tend to hear around Valentine’s Day. It usually implies the love between two people and the sometimes over-expression of it on the classic Hallmark holiday. However, whether in a romantic relationship or not, we’re here to talk about the love in your own air. The love you can breathe in and out for yourself on a daily basis.
Self-love is something we all need and we’re all worthy of. So, what really is self-love? According to typical dictionaries (Merriam-Webster, Oxford, etc.), it’s labeled as a noun. “An appreciation” or “a regard” for one’s own well-being, worth, or virtue. It’s a state of mind, yes, but we also think of it as a verb. It’s an action of practicing or engaging in activities that nurture and show appreciation for oneself. We can feel self-love as a noun but we sometimes need our actions to represent what we want to feel. These are three ways to practice:
1. Self-care:
It’s more than a buzz word and it’s something we emphasize at Revive. It is “Intentionally paying attention to what is mentally, emotionally and physically going on for you; being mindful of what is going on in your mind and body to identify what you need.” Everyone’s self-care practice looks different. Maybe yours is an at-home spa day, an afternoon walk, sipping coffee in your favorite mug. Whatever it may be, it’s you taking action to tell yourself you care about you and your wellbeing.
2. Positive Self-talk:
This may sound obvious but sometimes we tend to focus on all of the things we aren’t instead of all of the things we are. I.e. Instead of dwelling on what you didn’t get done today, think about what you were able to do, or instead of shaming your body, empower yourself in thinking about what your body can do for you. This shift in mindset is a gateway to giving yourself the self-love you deserve.
3. Self-compassion
Sometimes we may treat others with more empathy and compassion than we do ourselves. In other words, we tend to relocate our kindness elsewhere. To give ourselves compassion is to be understanding, warm, patient, and kind.
These three actions may not come easy, but applying them into your day-to-day will enhance the love you have for yourself.
Stay Well,
Catherine at Revive
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